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Are you at the end of your rope and are frustrated with everything Network Marketing? Have you become overwhelmed at the idea of continuing to push and staying focused and positive about your business? Do you lack enthusiasm to dig deeper to try new alternatives to growing your business? Are you stuck in an area of your understanding of your business and cannot seem to gain any momentum toward growth? If you find yourself in what I would call that point in business where you do not have any answers, are just plain tired of trying and really have a desire to quit, I would tell you that you are right where you need to be.

You are probably asking yourself what is a TMM? A TMM is a TARGET MARKET MASTER. It is someone who not only understands their business and what they do, but they understand who their target is and how to get their products and services to them. So do not feel bad at all if this is information you do not currently have. You are not alone and there is hope believe it or not. I can tell you that if you were to talk to 10 successful entrepreneurs, network marketers, small business owners and the like they would all tell you that they reached the point that was the true defining moment of their lives that showed who they were and what they were made of. I want to help you to get past that point and to experience breakthrough in your business.


Many entrepreneurs seem to overlook the obvious or what seems to be the most important item to business growth, it is given the least amount of attention as well and that is marketing. Marketing is the driving force that is behind all momentum of truly great companies or entities. This is the area where many seem to put their education on the backburner and you know what happens while it is sitting—absolutely nothing.

Over the next 30 days I am going to give you the tools and steps to develop into a Marketing Master. I will give you specific daily steps that will get you to that spot. If you follow along with me during this 30 day period of time we will discuss the 5 phases of becoming a Target Market Master. We will go in-depth into understanding the industry, niches, and facts about your market. We will go into market size, competition, etc. You will learn how to get into your prospect minds and understand how they are thinking and what they are thinking in order for you to provide a solution to their problems. We will give you tools and resources that will be vital to implementing a successful marketing campaign, you will learn about online and offline lead generation efforts and how to practically implement them and you will be given the option to learn some advanced techniques and strategies if you choose to.

So come along and follow with me over the next 30 days to begin to see your business acumen and business growth increase exponentially. This journey is an incredible one and I want to take you along because it is one that you will not regret. You can and will have PURPOSE DIRECTED SUCCESS today!

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C. William Harper is a professional Network Marketer dedicated to helping individuals get purpose, be directed and obtain success from their MLM businesses. To find out more about William’s Network Marketing coaching and training information resource center, and how he grows his business daily at

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8 Powerful Steps to Successful Prospecting


Prospecting is easy if you know what you are doing. These strategies will help you talk to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Before long you will become an expert at prospecting and see your business growing exponentially.
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