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Are you overwhelmed at the negative responses that you receive because you own a network marketing business? Do you lack confidence to hold your head up about the type of business that you own? Are you stuck at a level and cannot go any further because of fear of the negative comments that you think people may make who despise network marketing? Are you frustrated with unfair comments, and responses because of network marketing? The funny thing is, people are not necessarily indifferent toward network marketing, it is network marketers that they may find unattractive. Pay attention today and you will gain some understanding as well as a solution to those feelings. You need to know that there is absolutely no reason why people should be turned off by network marketing.

PURPOSE What Is Network Marketing?

Wikipedia has defined Multi-level marketing (MLM) as a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant's "down-line", and can provide multiple levels of compensation.

Network marketing to me is an opportunity to any and all open-minded individuals who want to have the ability to develop self and residual income, leveraged income, and pay for performance, while ending up with FREEDOM. The most interesting dynamic about network marketing is that not a single person could find any of the aforementioned results unattractive. Those results in their lives may not be unattractive however the messengers of network marketing can and do often turn many off.

DIRECTED The Biggest Mistake When Prospecting

As a network marketer when you have complete confidence and buy-in into your primary business which you should because you got involved. Typically you are excited and you want to tell everyone. However, that excitement is fine but talking too much is not. Far too often people are turned away and disgusted because they may take what is excitement on your part due to you over communicating information and feel that you are only about YOU and your agenda (on some occasions they may be right). They may feel that you are on a mission to only sign them up with something and pressure them into buying with what they may refer to by using double talk.

This approach tends to be the most fatal of approaches when it comes to prospecting in network marketing. It is extremely difficult to convey the message of "I’m only doing this to save you from your predicament" aka the savior message when you are being compensated. I do not want you to feel that you should not think of your network marketing company as the best and greatest. Not at all, you should feel that way and want to convey that to others when recruiting. However, there is a point that you may cross when you are not really caring and that you are only in it to get paid. Trust me people know the difference. There is a way of prospecting and recruiting that you will not turn away your family and your friends and you wind up actually helping them and not harming your relationships which is truly what you really want.

Avoid This in Your Network Marketing Recruiting!

There are too many similarities between why some people do not like network marketers and very religious people. Being a pastor I understand this dislike. This is why the Bible says, “Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth” (Col 3:2). Contrary to popular opinion, being heavenly minded always inspires us to be more earthly good. Thus, our goal as Christians must be to set our minds on things above and faithfully serve the Lord. Even God knew that we could present things in such a way that would send people running away from instead of toward Him.

There are many individuals when they get in network marketing may not realize that they are being overbearing, pushy, and selfish. Because of these traits, people tend to not want to deal with individuals who possess them. Would you blame them? There are some individuals who when speaking about God they are more about religion than the spiritual side and this comes across in their presentation. Just like believers, network marketers may have the best message in the world but if their heart isn’t right the road block goes up immediately. People will run away because they sense the lack of humility and honest care from you.

As a believer my model is Jesus Christ and what he did was give the gospel away freely. He didn’t infringe on people’s right to not want it. We as powerful, influential, good network marketers should realize that we too should do the same in our businesses. We should give away our information freely without trespassing on other’s rights. We should NEVER cross the line in any way. This simply means if someone says they are not interested we are not to spend another hour telling them that they should be because it is a great thing for them. If someone does not answer the phone or are not available even when they say that they are going to be available do not leave messages or make references to them about being awful people because of it.

We as professional network marketers MUST learn how to run our businesses properly. One of the ways in doing that is genuinely caring about people. Again, people know when you really care, they can sense it. You must not be more interested in sharing your opportunity than the people you are sharing it with.


Get Your Priorities in Order

Last, I had a person who I was prospecting tell me that they were ready to get started after they heard the presentation. They received a phone call regarding a tragic occurrence in their family. When they informed me of this I did not continue to pitch them and say “hey we need to finish this transaction before you run off to the hospital”. I decided as a Pastor not only was it my job to go with them, it was my moral obligation to see if their entire family was o.k. Remember this business is about people helping people. I have been in network marketing for over 20 years and I LOVE network marketing and network marketers and the passion we ALL possess for our companies but we MUST treat our businesses like businesses at the very least be professional. I hope that this does not offend you and that you are able to see that I only want the best for you and that I want to help. Have PURPOSE DIRECTED SUCCESS today!

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Abundant Blessings Always

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Original post date: September 12, 2013

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