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Are you frustrated with your results and have made frustrating statements about your business? Do you lack the positivity to speak powerful words to motivate yourself? Are you overwhelmed with your circumstances and speak negatively about it? Are you stuck in a negative tornado and do not know the right words to speak positively to get out? You may or may not know this but there is death and life in the power of your tongue. Simply put, you can speak your destiny into existence or you can speak it out of existence. Either way you have the power just through virtually changing your words to change your life and the lilfe of your business.


Speaking Things into Existence

I catch a sermon on television every day either in the morning or in the evening and recently I have been listening to sermons about the power of the tongue. Of course, since I am a Minister I understand this power but it seems that I have been hearing it more so lately. Due to the frequency of this message I felt compelled to write on it.

One thing I can tell you is that we all are speaking spirits and that every time we speak we speak into the atmosphere. What we say is what we will have because we speak things into existence. When you speak you are shaping your world around you through every word that comes out of your mouth. This SHOULD be good news! As a matter of fact, when you first look at it you probably said to yourself great, because I am an extremely positive individual, and because of this it is great news…but is it really?

My Wife is a Genuis

My wife and I declared that this year would be one of the most successful years that we have encountered. However, with that declaration we knew that it would come with some challenges especially dealing with four beautiful children, running a ministry and growing a network marketing business. Because of this schedule I had been saying that I was tired. My wife brought to my attention that all I had been doing is speaking about how tired I was and sure enough that is all I felt. When she made me realize my words and I started saying that I was well rested guess what, I actually began to have great nights of rest and I was well rested. I know it was through me changing a few words and believing that it was so. I went from saying I am so tired to I am well rested. Funny enough they are the same amount of words four in each statement. So it didn’t take any more effort to speak positively than it was for me to speak negatively.


Get Your Mouth, Mind, Income and Health Together

Ray Higdon said it best, that he wanted to caution us all to be very, very careful of ANYTHING we attach to the sacred words “I am”. He stated that whatever follows that phrase is being crafted in your existence. We must remember that we were created as powerful individuals and the power of our words is unfathomable and you should ONLY speak into existence the things you actually WANT in your life.

If we think about it we never want sickness in our life, yet we will say things like “I am sick as a dog”. We never really want to be broke yet we will make statements like “I am broke as a joke”. These may seem like cliché’s but really they are life directors. These words will begin to put our lives on a course that we do not want but do not realize when we speak them into the atmosphere that is what we are going to get.

Have You Ever Undermined Your Own Authority?

If you look around you are constantly speaking into existence in your world. Whatever you are saying especially when it is attached to I am it becomes your reality. If you say I am energized, I am excited, that is what you are. Whatever you say you are creating your world whether it is good or bad. If you keep saying I am so tired. What you are saying is creating your existence and you will find yourself so tired.

I am amazed how so many network marketers will reach a point while growing their business and begin to say things like “I am confused”, “I am so overwhelmed”. There are some people who will rationalize those statements by saying “I am telling it like it is” but the reality is if you tell it like it is then you will keep it like it is. When you say I am overwhelmed you are creating a land or a world around you of being overwhelmed. When you are saying I do not know what to do you are creating a world around you where you will not know what to do. Make yourself aware of your surrounding sounds. Be conscience and careful of what you are saying because what you say is creating the world around you.

Have you ever heard someone say “I’m no expert”?

Although it may be true it’s best not to undermine yourself by saying those words. By actually saying those words all it does is lower your authority in the moment and push others and opportunities away. What may not be a true realization is that most people can be their own worst enemy. Many times it is not other's who criticize, it may be you. Often times you are self-sabotaging unbeknownst to yourself. Words can hurt just as much as they can help. When we use harmful words against ourselves we give up our power to succeed. We change the course of our lives.

Not only should we be mindful of what comes after the words "I AM" we also need to be aware of saying, “I’ll try” or “I’ll give it my best shot”. Those words alone are a remedy for failure.There’s no such thing as try in the journey to success, its "I will make it happen” only. Successful people succeed because they commit to doing whatever it takes for however long it takes.There is no such thing as try or quit, because those words a successful person cannot compute. It’s about working more on personal development because a successful person understands that this development is how their words are formed. Success is 10% skill and 90% personal development and know that your personal income will never exceed your personal growth. The bottomline is to never use words that can hurt your credibility before you even get started.Your ability to persuade and instruct is only as effective as the words you use.


Do you realize how much power your words possess?

When it comes to achieving success, words you use, can make or break you.Believe It! Using certain words can sabotage your own success particularly because our words are a pathway to success therefore you can literally block your own path to success. Keep in mind – What you think about becomes what you speak about (words) which become your how you act and your actions become your habits and your habits become your character,which then becomes your destiny. That is your success path laid out all because of what we allowed to simply come out of our mouths. So be aware of your thoughts because those thoughts are the very words that we speak which determines where we are in our lives.

By simply changing your vocabulary and simply understanding the power that you have through what you are saying you literally can change your existence. Why don’t you start saying things that serve you, and produce good fruit in your life. It is just as easy to say things like I feel empowered, I feel great, I am working harder and smarter, I am developing an incredibly knowledgeable group, I have a prosperous team, I am prosperous, I will find out the information, I am so happy, I am so energetic and fired up, I am so focused. These statements and words will serve you well. I know that you would not knowingly harm yourself and sabatoge your future. Because I know that you would not purposely do this, then I know that his information will be the spark you need to start changing your life. Once you begin paying attention to this behavior and changing it you will see the difference your words will change your life and use them to your benefit. Please stop saying I am so confused and I do not know what to do. Start saying I am powerful and I will figure it out. The aforementioned notwithstanding the final element to this formula is belief. You MUST believe what you say. Check out this powerful video of inspiration below it just might put you in a new state of mind about your future. Be Blessed and enjoy!

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Original Post Date August 21, 2013

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