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Have you been frustrated with the feeling of being unsuccessful in getting your team to sponsor? Are you stuck with not having confidence in yourself and feeling unable to help others? Are you overwhelmed with the responsibility of sponsoring someone? Do you lack the knowledge to help others do something that you feel that you have not done yourself which is being successful? Do not fret my friend. Although with sponsoring comes responsibility it does not have to be a daunting task.


There was a time when I felt that I just started my business and now I have to help someone become successful when I have not had time to experience success for myself. Not only did I feel this way there are many others who have strong teams who are unable to get people to make money right from the start. I have learned that there is a way to get everyone started properly and earning money immediately. I want to share with you some information that will not only help you motivate and encourage your team from the onset, but for you to get the best results using less energy. Remember you do not have to feel sorry for yourself, nor do you have to get stuck because you feel that you do not know how to organize and act upon your next steps. I will help you get clarity in experiencing the success that top income earners do.


With any network marketing business or home based business there are some preliminary things that you have to do that are unavoidable and if you master this all the rest will become second nature to you. The first thing that you have to do before you can train anyone is to recruit them. The recruiting process involves talking to people, lots of them. You are not just talking to them but you are strategically talking to qualify them. What I mean by this is you can begin to ask probative questions to get a feel for whether they will buy from you or not. People tell you a lot about themselves in the first 5 minutes.

The reason you want to talk to lots of people is so that you create a pipeline which is truly the life blood of your business. Your pipeline will serve as your base or the hub of your business and your job is to get as many individuals in it and through as quickly as possible. If you are doing lifestyle marketing, Facebook or LinkedIn touches, or if you advertise, cold call, buy leads, use your warm market list or drive traffic to a website... at some point (hopefully sooner than later) you will have to talk to these individuals. If you have difficulty talking to individuals get my 8 Powerful Steps to Successful Prospecting. Growing your business is purposeful. I am a believer that everything that we do has purpose, direction and then we can experience success. Each step you make should be with intent and on purpose. Success is not magical or mystical neither is recruiting. It takes a well thought out plan along with a personal story and professional formula for guidance to get you there.


With the holidays vastly approaching many times we want to take a break in our businesses, but the reality is that a man that does not work does not eat. Therefore, you can use this time wisely and continue working within your business, do not push, or force yourself upon anyone. Always be professional but take advantage of every situation because Success does not just happen you have to be an active participant in making it happen. However, in looking for someone to join the journey with you, you have to be prepared to not only get yourself through the journey but others also.


When you have a new recruit who needs to be trained whether they have been in network marketing or not you want to give them information in chunks. Simply because they are not familiar with the company yet. However, less is always more when it comes to training or for that matter whenever you are learning something new. If you want to properly train someone new in your business and to do it in such a manner where it is transferable to those they recruit and is clearly communicated on each level moving forward, you must remember LESS IS MORE.

Information overload when you are recruiting and training is the quickest way to lose and frustrate an individual. Information overload will cause a potentially good recruit who may be turned into a great one to throw up their hands and quit before they get started. So as you begin recruiting and talking to people and once you get them on board think bricks. If I pulled up with my dump truck full of bricks and unloaded the entire truck load on you, what happens? You are buried. Probably dead and buried. But, if I pulled up with my dump truck and gave you only one or two bricks, can you handle that? You bet. Not too heavy. Easy to handle.


How does this relate to recruiting and training? Well, if you think about it which would work best a brick or two of information at a time until they have that under their belt or a dump truck load of information? You know the answer, yes a brick or two. This is the secret to great training and recruiting that will inevitably become a strong foundation for your business and have a long term effect. Recruiting and training are building blocks and each block has to be placed with intent and purpose. The first brick laid is to give a single task. Secondly, give a good ‘how to’ instructions brick, third brick is to get a time when the task will be done, and fourth have a quick follow up call after the task was completed. Then repeat. Again and again… What you have is a solid, strong, purpose, directed, and successful business.

If you are thinking to yourself, “I am recruiting adults and they should be able to make sound decisions, I am not running a babysitting service I am running a business”. I would totally agree with you unless you are really an owner of a babysitting business then I guess you are running a babysitting business. But if you are like the majority of us then you are running a network marketing business and I would not call it babysitting what I would call it is training and duplicating which are the proper transference of business information and the application of said information productively. I would say not only is the time that you invest in your business with these four steps worth it, I would go further to say it is a MUST to implement them if you seek success.

When prospecting, recruiting, or training give one brick at a time and help your recruits act upon their information accordingly one step at a time. This is how momentum is gained in your business. Remember Purpose Directed Success is just one single step filled with activity and ultimately more success for both you and them. Every single time. It may take a little time to see the momentum just like a train. But when that train gets fully in gear it cannot be stopped. That means everyone gets paid. That is Awesome Sauce (as my daughter says) and definitely worth the time.

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PS: Being a customer of this program is awesome. Change your life inside and out just by drinking water. Check out the savings a customer gets here.

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Original published date: 11/18/13

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8 Powerful Steps to Successful Prospecting


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